Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Celtic Harp | Lamont Harp

The Celtic harp is a beautiful instruments that produces a magical sound. The Celtic harp is an instrument that is often used to play Celtic music.

My first encounter with a harp and harpist was in my grandmother’s church. There was a woman who played beautifully. Her daughter, who was my age, grew up to follow in her mother’s footsteps, playing the harp. I do not know what type of harp they played, however.

Today, I often enjoy the music of Loreena McKennitt who plays the Celtic harp. Her music has the most calming and mystical sound. I have had the pleasure of being exposed to some lesser-known harpists as well. As a member of the Celtic Friends Network, I am introduced to a variety of Celtic music and musicians, including those who play the harp.

The Celtic harp that comes to mind, that I have been aware of for some time, is the Lamont harp. Being a member of the Lamont clan, I enjoy researching my clan history. On one occasion, I discovered the existence of the Lamont harp. The Lamont harp, ClĂ rsach Lumanach in Gaelic, is also known as the Caledonian Harp. The harp is made of English walnut or hornbeam, and is mildly decorated. The Lamont Harp was given to Charles Robertson of Lude as part of a marriage dowry. It is one of the three most well known Celtic harps in existence. It is also the largest of the three, measuring in at 37.4 inches tall and 16.73 inches wide. Additionally, the Lamont harp is credited as being the oldest Celtic harp still in existence today, dating to the 1400s. It is currently in the Royal Museum of Scotland in Edinburgh.

I was very pleased to learn more about the Celtic harp. I am more accustomed to the sounds of the bagpipes and had almost forgotten how wonderful the music of a Celtic harp really is.

Learn more about the Celtic Harp on the Celtic Encyclopedia.